Using 7Digital API
Capitol Music Group and its parent Universal Music Group have made a catalog of their songs available for the Hackathon
≈ 1,500 unique artists (US and Canadian)
≈ 4,500 different albums/singles - all with cover artwork
≈ 14,000 tracks - all with full length audio streams
The 7digital API’s can be used to
Browse the catalog by Artist and then find tracks for that artist
Stream the full-length audio for all tracks
Access cover artwork image files for all albums and singles in the catalog
Each team will be given an API key and secret to access the APIs
Only the API key is required to browse the catalog
However, in order to stream the audio you will need to sign the API call with your key and secret
Important Information
API Keys
Key = 7d4vr6cgb392
Secret = m4ntskavq56rddsa
You need to add the following parameter to all API calls
When calling track and release endpoints, always use parameter
Release = Album or Single
API Schema
Catalog Endpoints
Link to Documentation
Description & Sample Call
For JSON responses
Add “accept: application/json” to your http header request
curl -H “Accept: application/json” ‘…
Accessing Album/Single Cover Art
The release endpoint responses return a link to the album artwork - example from (1st) call above
Sizes available - 33, 50, 100, 180, 182, 200, 350, 500 and 800 pixels
The size of images returned by any API response can be adjusted by adding imageSize parameter to the request
Catalog Metadata
Streaming Audio
To stream a track you will need to build your own API call to the 7digital streaming service
All streaming links need to be "Oauth" signed using the API Key & Secret
Once generated a streaming link is only valid for 60 minutes and can only be used once
In order to stream a specific track you must specify a 7digital trackId
7digital trackId's are returned by the catalog search API endpoints
Documentation on how to build a streaming link can be found here - GET /stream/catalogue
This is what a typical streaming link looks like - (note this link does not work)
Building & Signing Streaming Links
To help build streaming links and sign them with Oauth headers we have a form that you can use here - 7digital Oauth signature reference
Here is an example of how to complete that form
Streaming Parts Of a Track
If you want to stream part of a track (clip) then you can use the range request on your streaming link
curl -v -o partial.mp4 -H "Range:bytes=81920-" "{url to aac stream}"
Please note - you'll need to calculate the number of bytes that you want to start and/or finish at
Last updated