Using 7Digital API


Capitol Music Group and its parent Universal Music Group have made a catalog of their songs available for the Hackathon

  • ≈ 1,500 unique artists (US and Canadian)

  • ≈ 4,500 different albums/singles - all with cover artwork

  • ≈ 14,000 tracks - all with full length audio streams

  • The 7digital API’s can be used to

    • Browse the catalog by Artist and then find tracks for that artist

    • Stream the full-length audio for all tracks

    • Access cover artwork image files for all albums and singles in the catalog

  • Each team will be given an API key and secret to access the APIs

    • Only the API key is required to browse the catalog

    • However, in order to stream the audio you will need to sign the API call with your key and secret

Important Information

  • API Keys

    • Key = 7d4vr6cgb392

    • Secret = m4ntskavq56rddsa

  • You need to add the following parameter to all API calls

    • &shopId=2020

  • When calling track and release endpoints, always use parameter

    • &usageTypes=adsupportedstreaming

  • Terminology

    • Release = Album or Single

API Schema

Catalog Endpoints

Link to Documentation

Description & Sample Call

For JSON responses

  • Add “accept: application/json” to your http header request

  • curl -H “Accept: application/json” ‘…..’

Accessing Album/Single Cover Art

The release endpoint responses return a link to the album artwork - example from (1st) call above

Sizes available - 33, 50, 100, 180, 182, 200, 350, 500 and 800 pixels

The size of images returned by any API response can be adjusted by adding imageSize parameter to the request

Catalog Metadata

Streaming Audio

To stream a track you will need to build your own API call to the 7digital streaming service

  • All streaming links need to be "Oauth" signed using the API Key & Secret

  • Once generated a streaming link is only valid for 60 minutes and can only be used once

In order to stream a specific track you must specify a 7digital trackId

  • 7digital trackId's are returned by the catalog search API endpoints

Documentation on how to build a streaming link can be found here - GET /stream/catalogue

This is what a typical streaming link looks like - (note this link does not work)

To help build streaming links and sign them with Oauth headers we have a form that you can use here - 7digital Oauth signature reference

Here is an example of how to complete that form

Streaming Parts Of a Track

If you want to stream part of a track (clip) then you can use the range request on your streaming link

curl -v -o partial.mp4 -H "Range:bytes=81920-" "{url to aac stream}"

Please note - you'll need to calculate the number of bytes that you want to start and/or finish at

Last updated