List of Movies Component

Recall that you need a component that lists all the available movies, that is, those that are in the database. Your users can then pick from that list a movie to watch.

Add a VideoList component with the following content:

    <div class="columns" v-for="i in Math.ceil(movies.length / 6)" :key="i">
      <div v-if="movies.length < 1">Loading...</div>
      <div v-else v-for="movie in movies.slice((i - 1) * 6, i * 6)" :key="movie._id" class="column">
        <img :src="cloudinaryInstance.url(movie.banner)" alt="" class="banner" @click="$emit('choose-movie', movie)">
import axios from 'axios';
export default {
  props: ['cloudinaryInstance', 'movies'],
.banner {
  max-width: 204px;
  height: auto;
.banner:hover {
  cursor: pointer;

The properties that are passed are cloudinaryInstance and movies. The instance that resolves an image URL from its public ID while the movies array is being iterated shows a list of movies in a six-column grid.

Take a close look at the img tag:

<img :src="cloudinaryInstance.url(movie.banner)" alt="" class="banner" @click="$emit('choose-movie', movie)">

A click event is attached to each image. Clicking an image triggers an event called choose-movie to the parent component with a payload of the selected movie.

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