Creating and Testing a React App

Create a React app

Note: If you manage dependencies on your machine with Yarn, download the package runner npx. However, if you use NPM for dependency management, you can skip that step because npx is already bundled with NPM (version 5.2 or higher).

To add npx to Yarn, run this command on your terminal:

    yarn global add npx

Afterwards, create a starter React project, which you will tweak as you proceed with this tutorial:

    npx create-react-app cloudy-cam-pwa

Test the Sample React App

To ensure that the project is in place, go to the app's directory and start the development server:

    cd cloudy-cam-pwa
    yarn start # or npm start

The above command starts a development server on http://localhost:3000. Navigating to that URL on your browser displays the React app:

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