Creating a Webcam class

To grant the app access to your camera, build a Webcam class to host the camera’s main capabilities by creating a webcam.js file in the srcdirectory:

    // src/webcam.js
    export class Webcam {
      constructor(webcamElement, canvasElement) {
        this.webcamElement = webcamElement;
        this.canvasElement = canvasElement;

      adjustVideoSize(width, height) {
        const aspectRatio = width / height;
        if (width >= height) {
            this.webcamElement.width = aspectRatio * this.webcamElement.height;
        } else  {
            this.webcamElement.height = this.webcamElement.width / aspectRatio;

The Webcam constructor accepts two elements: WebcamElement(videoElement) and CanvasElement. The adjustVideoSize() method adjusts the video element to be proportionate to the size you specified when creating videoElement .

Now add the other methods to the Webcam class, as follows:

    // src/webcam.js
      async setup() {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
          if (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia !== undefined) {
                audio: false, video: { facingMode: 'user' }
                .then((mediaStream) => {
                    if ("srcObject" in this.webcamElement) {
                        this.webcamElement.srcObject = mediaStream;
                    } else {
                        // For older browsers without the srcObject.
                        this.webcamElement.src = window.URL.createObjectURL(mediaStream);
                        async () => {
          } else {


The setup() function initializes the camera from the browser and assigns the video stream to your VideoElement in the component. That means granting access to the camera and returning the videoStream function to you.

Here are the methods for capturing images:

    // src/webcam.js
      _drawImage() {
        const imageWidth = this.webcamElement.videoWidth;
        const imageHeight = this.webcamElement.videoHeight;

        const context = this.canvasElement.getContext('2d');
        this.canvasElement.width = imageWidth;
        this.canvasElement.height = imageHeight;

        context.drawImage(this.webcamElement, 0, 0, imageWidth, imageHeight);
        return { imageHeight, imageWidth };

      takeBlobPhoto() {
        const { imageWidth, imageHeight } = this._drawImage();
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            this.canvasElement.toBlob((blob) => {
                resolve({ blob, imageHeight, imageWidth });

      takeBase64Photo({ type, quality } = { type: 'png', quality: 1 }) {
        const { imageHeight, imageWidth } = this._drawImage();
        const base64 = this.canvasElement.toDataURL('image/' + type, quality);
        return { base64, imageHeight, imageWidth };

The _drawImage() method takes the existing frame in videoElement when that function is called and displays the image on canvasElement. The _drawImage() method is then called in the takeBlobPhoto() and takeBase64Photo() methods to handle binary large object (blob) images or Base64 images, respectively.

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