Bandsintown Challenge

Please read below to understand more about Bandsintown's challenge and API

The Bandsintown Challenge: With more than 50 million registered users. 510,000 registered artists and partnerships with 140 ticketing companies worldwide the Bandsintown Partner API makes the world's largest database of location based tour date, ticket and artist info available to developers of web and mobile applications.

How can you use Bandsintown data to enhance the lives of music fans and/or musicians? Perhaps you can combine new music discovery with geo-targeted concert dates. What about a city and concert based dating app? Maybe you'd like to see upcoming local concert dates on Apple TV? These are just some random ideas, but what we really want are yours.

PRIZES: All winners will be featured in Hypebot, the leading resource for music tech and the new music industry.

  • First Prize: $1000 worth of tickets for shows at a top venue in a major city and a day with the Bandsintown San Diego based tech team to present the winning project

  • Second Prize: Tickets for 2 to a mutually agreeable concert in a major city including a special VIP backstage experience

  • Third Prize: Tickets for 2 to a mutually agreeable concert in a major city

Last updated