Streaming Audio Files

This page describes how to stream audio files from 7digital

Streaming Audio

To stream audio you need to build your own URL to call our streaming service

You need to pass in two parameters on the call




To stream songs from the UMG catalog


The 7digital trackId of the song you want to stream

Most importantly you need to sign each call with Oauth 1.0 headers using the consumer key and secret provided for this hackathon

  • consumer_key = 7d4vr6cgb392

  • consumer_secret = m4ntskavq56rddsa

We have created a form to help build and sign streaming URLs


  1. Enter the streaming service URL as shown

  2. Enter your consumer_key & consumer_secret

  3. Enter shopId & trackId

  4. Click [refresh both] button to sign API call with Oauth headers

  5. Click URL to test stream

Partial Streams

If you want to stream part of a track, you can use the range request

curl -v -o partial.mp4 -H "Range:bytes=81920-" "{url to aac stream}"

You will need to calculate the number of bytes that you want to start and/or finish at

Last updated