UMG Catalog / 7digital API
This guide describes how to use the 7digital API endpoints to access the UMG catalog made available for this hackathon
Last updated
This guide describes how to use the 7digital API endpoints to access the UMG catalog made available for this hackathon
Last updated
Universal Music Group have made a some of their songs available for this hackathon
≈ 20,000 songs
≈ 1,500 unique artists
≈ 5,000 albums/singles
Covers many genres, rock, pop, country....etc
Spans each decade from 1960's to present
7digital have activated some of their API endpoints to get access to the UMG catalog
Browse catalog and discover artists, albums and tracks
Get data for artists, albums and tracks - artist name, album title, track name
Retrieve album artwork (CD covers) for every album in the catalog
Stream full length audio files for every song in the catalog
List of catalog metadata can be found on this page
Access to UMG catalog using 7digital services (API)
Provided through a REST style interface
Controlled by a consumer key that needs to passed in as a parameter
consumer_key = 7d4vr6cgb392
Identified by a shop identifier that needs to be passed in as a parameter
shopId = 2020
Streaming audio files requires API requests to be signed with an oauth 1.0 signature
Sign requests using consumer key and secret
consumer_key = 7d4vr6cgb392
consumer_secret = m4ntskavq56rddsa
Call Components
7digital API site and version
API endpoint name - search artists
Parameter to identify UMG catalog
Parameter for consumer key
Parameter for search query string
The following table lists the endpoints that we have made available for this hackathon. For each endpoint there is a sample call that works and returns real results. Click on these links to see how each call is constructed and obtain the call responses
Sample Call
Main Parameter
Artist browse
Browse the catalog for artist names that start with supplied text string
Artist search
Search the catalog for artists that match a supplied text string
Artist releases
Returns a list of streamable releases for a specific artist
Artist toptracks
Returns a list of streamable tracks for a specific artist
Release search
Search the catalog for releases
that match a supplied text string
Release tracks
Returns a list of streamable tracks for a specific release
Track search
Search the catalog for releases that match a supplied text string
Track stream
Stream full length (or partial clip) audio for a specific track
See later page