Dockerizing the Application
I have found a nice recipe for Dockerizing the jPetStore app.
In short I created an account on — blumareks. I added my image of jpetstore to the repository there, so it can be referenced in the next steps.
Check my github repo for the details:
I have changed the files responsible for the push to the registry — docker-compose.yml After that I was able to build and run my docker image using Docker for Mac:
* to stop it and remove the images (rm) just write:
When I tested that everything works I was ready to push the images to the Docker repository:
And they are here:
Running my image on my local machine even in the cool Docker wasn’t the thing I wanted. I wanted to deploy it on the ☁️ and have it taken care of. So I learned that people are using Kubernetes for that. So I decided to do what is fashionable — the Silicon Valley way 🌁
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